changing blog...
Author: gregorule
i am really sorry..
i have did something really stupid.. or have i?
well something gone hairwire with this blog while i was editing the HTML code of this blog and well... u can see the result...
the new blog address is
i am really really sorry for the inconvenience caused~...

happy birthday!!~
Author: gregorule
here's wishing Oscar a very very happy birthday!!!
and too all those people taking STPM tomorrow~ all da best!!!
you guys rockz!!
do ur best and make papa proud!~ lolz~
i am outta my mind!!!
i wish you all the best for ur exams~ my frens~ truly...

don't cut me off!
Author: gregorule
arguements happen...
and it often blow things up...
i have noticed a behaviour of mine which i think i'd like to share it...
while arguing,
i give people the chance it sound their thoughts,
i'll let them talk till they finish thier sentence.
this not only allow me to understand them better,
to know their situation better,
it also shows that i RESPECT them.
and i aspect people to do the same.
don't cut me off while i am apeaking.
it usually blows me off...
my patience level is quite high,
and when i sound my thought about certain things that should be changed,
it's serious.
everybody have their very own patience level,
there are certain things that they can be patient on,
and there are some they can't.
throwing rubbish into a dustbin for example,
can very much explains patience.
when someone throws something at you,
you'll put it into the rubishbin in your heart.
if you don't even have time to throw the rubbish away and another rubbish came,
it'll overflow,
causing it to leak...
dustbin is used to throw solid objects...
try putting in corrosive chemicals....
it'll eventually leak...
these are a few things people should know about me:
-let me finish what i want to say while we are in an arguement. I respect you and only wish for the same in return.
-there are certain things that i cannot stand if i sound it out, it means i am open for discussion,
not shutting it down.
-if ever you think that there is something i should know, say it. I am open to accept your ideas.
-if ever you think i am scary, i am not...(i still dunno why some people thinks i am scary...)
-i may be serious at times, but it dosen't mean u cannot talk to me...
well that's all i can think about now...
if there is anything you wanna let me know...
tell me...
post up a comment~ ;-)
i am not a tiger...

Author: gregorule

sober or outraged?
Author: gregorule
should i still place you as number 1?
should i still think of you first before doing anything?
perhaps it's time to take things into my own hands....
perhaps i should not have placed u as number 1...
perhaps i was wrong all this while...
am i sad?
or am i mad?
maybe both...
sad because we faught...
and mad because i cannot gain comtrol of my life...
it is me...
all along...
this is what i have done to myself...
and i am going to get myself out of this...

星灰-Stardust-心灰----黑心(black heart)
Author: gregorule
i know...
it's a direct translation...
well, i went to watch this movie today~
and i loved it!!!
soooo nice~
and today is the first day i am allowed to drive alone ^^V
well i did it b4...
but this time is different..
cause my parents acutally know about it...
unlike last time,
where i have to do it secretly...
i am a bad naughty and disobedient boy...
i have been and will be...
i think...
speaking of which...
i sometimes felt that i did alot of bad things,
and not just bad,
but very very bad things...
*to me it's really bad...
i just hope people will forgive me for that...
not because u have to...
more to because i will be moving on...
and so should you...
"letting people go,
not only provides
second chance to
but also to yourself"
i am sorry...
for my present...
and most of all,
my past...
it's time to say goodbye...
and move on...

my opinion and your veiws...
Author: gregorule
conflict often happen due to different views between people...
people usually have different opinions on a certain topic.
and thus, it may sometimes cause certaian parties to have a small fight...
some however, went over that just a small fight...
in our daily lives,
we too have different believes on things as well...
thus, we sometimes get into an arguement...
it may be on politics, how things works, or simply just how to get a thing done...
the thing about the different conception is that it allows people to choose...
the difference in presumpiton is that it allows us to choose from the best options available...
everyone have different ideas,
and by sounding it out,
it might help us to generate more ideas...
thus increasing creativity alongside productivity...
on the other hand,
some people are not really into accepting different spaculation on things...
they are to believe that their assumption are amongst the best...
it might be...
or it might not...
it is this people who cause catastrophe...
i may be only a small problem,
but it somehow turned big due to the attitude of not willing to take in opinions,
and just fighting for his own...
i am nont saying that you shouldn't fight for your beileves,
but have limits...
i believe, in this era...
everyone should be able to accept and give ideas,
to look into what is the best,
not only to yourself but also the parties involved...
the keyword for what i wan to reach out to people here is "accept"
be open minded and try to accept ideas people give you,
you dont have to follow 100% but just look into it to generate a better one...
that will help you do generate a better impression on certain things,
or better solution to solve a problem,
that will benifit all parties involved...
for the greater good~
gregorule signing off~